- Art, Culture, East, Emotion, Expression, Face, Family, Life, Light, Love, Malaysia, Moment, Portrait, Portraiture, Sayang
All About Bokeh Photography
Bokeh come from Japanese word “boke”, which means “blur” or “haze” or “boke-aji”, “the blur quality”. To put it simple to understand “Bokeh” is the blur or out of focus area of an image, like the picture of my son and my wife above, the “Blurry” part or the “out of focus” area in the picture above is what people called “Bokeh”. I don’t want to talk about good Bokeh or bad Bokeh here, I just want to talk about how to get a Bokeh, different lenses with difference focal length and different aperture will render Bokeh differently, for the picture above I use 50mm lens shooting at f1.8. The…
A Moment of Happiness
“Whoever is Happy Will Make Others Happy, Too.” ( Mark Twain ) Tweet news and informationbusiness,health,entertainment,technology automotive,business,crime,health,life,politics,science,technology,travel
A Printed Memory
© 2010 Wazari Wazir | A Printed Memory “A photograph never grows old. You and I change, people change all through the months and years, but a photograph always remains the same. How nice to look at a photograph of mother or father taken many years ago. You see them as you remember them. But as people live on, they change completely. That is why I think a photograph can be kind.” ( Albert Einstein ) Tweet news and informationbusiness,health,entertainment,technology automotive,business,crime,health,life,politics,science,technology,travel
A Moment of Childhood
© 2010 Wazari Wazir | A Portrait of My Son You are worried about seeing him spend his early years in doing nothing. What! Is it nothing to be happy? Nothing to skip, play, and run around all day long? Never in his life will he be so busy again. ( Jean-Jacques Rousseau ) Child is unpredictable, they enjoy every moment, they enjoy the present and always have something that attract their attention, they are curious about anything, from a small tiny things to a bigger things. I like watching my son playing and as usual I watch him with my camera always beside me. My favorite lens for taking…
- Art, Black and White, Emotion, Expression, Face, Life, Malaysia, Moment, People, Photoshop, Politic, Portrait, Portraiture, Tourism, Travel
Passion and Creativity
I find it very difficult to make a Photoshop Texture eBook compared to do the editing itself. I can do texture editing in Photoshop for less than five minute from scratch but it may take month or more to do the eBook. I’m sorry for that and I’m really sorry to keep you waiting, I’m not trying to make easy money here, instead I want to make sure that my texture eBook will be easier to understand, easier to follow through and to make that happen I’ve to figure out a very simple way to share it with you. I’ve decided to share my workflow when doing texturing editing, hopefully…