• Family

    Newborn | Natural Light Photography

    © 2013 Wazari Wazir | Little Princess With Grandmother | 24mm | ISO 1000 | f/2.8 | 1/40 Photography is about light. The term comes from The Greek word phos, photos – light and graphos – writing. The word photography means writing with light but most photographers claim they are painting with light! This ‘writing with light’ or as us photographers say ‘ painting with light’ was first reputed to have been termed by Sir John Herschel to William Henry Fox Talbot in letter in 1839. Herschel was an English astronomer who also devised the words negative and positive. A lot of his work involved chemistry which was the forerunner of the black and…

  • Art,  Care,  East,  Emotion,  Expression,  Face,  Family,  Life,  Malaya,  Malaysia,  People,  Photoshop,  Tender

    A Moment to Remember

    © 2010 Wazari Wazir | Kirams Village | Kundasang Sabah “A Photograph Never Grows Old. You and I change, people change all through the months and years, but a photograph always remains the same. How nice to look at a photograph of mother or father taken many years ago. You see them as you remember them. But as people live on, they change completely. That is why I think a photograph can be kind.” ( Albert Einstein ) Tweet news and informationbusiness,health,entertainment,technology automotive,business,crime,health,life,politics,science,technology,travel

  • Art,  Care,  Emotion,  Expression,  Face,  Family,  Love,  Malaya,  Malaysia,  Melayu,  Moment,  People,  Portrait,  Portraiture

    Heavy Responsibility

    As you can see my son is getting heavy.  It’s an anaerobic exercise to carry him around, well, maybe it’s good for my thigh and overall body but one thing for sure I will get very tired after a day carrying him around. Even though my son can walk but if we take him in the city, in the crowded area, in the shopping mall for an example, I will not let my son to walk, he like to run and if you are parent yourself, you will know that a child like my son age like to run a lot, like to play hide and seek and shopping mall…

  • Art,  Emotion,  Expression,  Face,  Family,  Life,  Portrait,  Portraiture,  Tender

    Why I Like Using Texture in Photoshop

    © 2007 Wazari Wazir | Photograph and Texture | When I Was Starting Playing With Texture © 2009 Wazari Wazir | Photograph and Texture | My Texture Style Now A lot of peoples get confuse about texture, some of them think texture is a photoshop action, preset or plug in. The truth is, texture is an image, just like normal photograph but there is no picture in it, like people or landscape, it’s just a picture of a texture, for an example a picture of a rustic walls or decay object or simply a texture of old papers without any picture in it, just an empty space with texture or…