• Art,  Life,  Malaysia,  Tourism,  Travel


    I’m not a big fan of Langkawi, if not because of my last minute assignment I would not be here. Langkawi is a very beautiful island with white sandy beach and world class resort available here. Sitting next to me during my flight from Kuala Lumpur to Langkawi is a couple from Middle East country, I don’t know which country exactly but judging from their dress, they must be come from rich oil country and I think they are newly wedd couple and I saw  a large group  Arab people in the plane also, they have a lot of money to spent and Langkawi is good for them, it is…

  • Emotion,  Expression,  Face,  Lady Girl Gorgeous,  Life,  Love,  Moment,  Portrait,  Portraiture

    Maya in Kuala Lumpur

    I’ve been busy lately with model shooting, I’m not making any commercial or shoot for the money but just hanging out with a bunch of photographers sharing ideas and thought about photography, most of our models this times or most of the times are teenagers, Myspace or Friendster kind of things, a little bit awkward for me to shoot them because I was a little bit on the “older” side and most of my friends too. But in the end we are having fun, just don’t ask me to go out and take a street demonstration shot that will “change the world”, I was referring to the world “scenario” at the moment, those things…