The Secret of Photoshop Tone Unveiled | My eBook
© 2009 Wazari Wazir | Photograph Edit With Photoshop Tone
Testimonial :
“I recently purchased your photoshop tone e-book and have to say you share some wonderful insight into processing techniques that have a subtle, yet big impact on image presentation. I can’t thank you enough for sharing your expertise and knowledge in this area of photoshop mastering.”
“Saya mesti pilih.. I got 2 of your eBooks. Your books are easy to understand and the steps are clear and easy to follow. I would recommend your books to people that would like to learn how to learn to do the editing by themselves rather then just taking the easy way by using plug ins.”
( Hafiz Itam )
“Terima kasih abang wazari..ebook tone sy dh khatam..memang sngt tak pernah tengok pun (tak ambil pusing) pasal channel2 tu semua..rupenya kat situ bnyk bende boleh buat..penerangan pun ringkas, terang dan jelas..mudah untuk faham..terima kasih sekali lagi..tak sabar nak tunggu ebook seterusnya..let me know if it available.”
( Ramdhan Hasan )
Playing with color tones is not a cup of coffee for everyone, some people like to keep their pictures as close as possible to natural while some other people like to experiment with it, I do believe that most people are aware that in movies especially, they like to play with color tone, depending on the story, whether it is classic, romance, or maybe futuristic, if you have a keen eyes you will notice that most of great film play around with color tones.
Usually romantic film have warm color tone and most historical film, especially film about wars have fade or mute colors and sometime its almost monochromatic. Certain type of tones really can enhance mood or invoke a certain kind of feelings, romantic, warmth, or maybe sentimental, that’s why some pictures look great in black and white, but my Photoshop Tone eBook is not about monochromatic or black and white, it’s about playing with colors, how to get that warm tone, almost retro like effect.
My Photoshop Tone editing is really straight forward process, you don’t need years of experience with Photoshop to be able to follow my tutorial, it was easy, just one single layer will do the job. You might be surprise yourself when you find out how easy it is to play around with the tones. I like to quote one of many comments that I receive from someone who have bought my Photoshop Tone eBook, “It’s easy once you know the secret”.
Please READ This before buying my e-Book…
- This e-Book is all about TONING, color tone, how to tone those image to get warm kind of feeling. A colors that can add mood to your image, something like Old School or Retro looking colors, vintage, classic.
- You must have some basic Photoshop editing skills, this is not for total beginner,but I cannot stop beginners from buying it, I’m just afraid that a new person with limited photoshop skills will find it a bit difficult to understand.
- About the editing on my e-Book, first you all must do your own basic editing like adjusting some brightness and contrast before proceed with the editing or toning. I will not show you how to do the basic editing.
- This e-Book will not teach you about Texture, I mean this e-Book won’t show you how to do texturing editing. This is all about toning. This e-book will not teach you about Eye Sharpening or “Catchlight Enhancement”, that will be on my next e-book, insyaAllah.
- About the figure that was given on my e-Book, it is just as a starting point to guide you through. Different camera manufacture or different picture file size will have an effect on your figure, so with the starting point figure that I give to you, feel free to adjust it accordingly to your liking.
- There are four ways that I will share with you in my e-book about getting your pictures tone, you are free to mix and match like I always do. I mean with mix and match is this, you can do one style of editing and finish with it or you can continue editing with your edited photos with a different style. That’s how you get different tone, mix and match, be creative, I can’t teach you to be creative, I can only show you the way.
- My style of editing will not bring a good result for every kind of a picture, some pictures will look great and some pictures will not. So try to experiment yourself, what I can share with you is this, this kind of editing will produce good result with natural light, especially pictures taken during early morning or late afternoon where the lighting is a bit warm. It will also work great for a portraiture on an overcast day. The colors on your subject, like for an example a cloth will also effect the output of your tone.
- This editing is only for an enhancement, so get your pictures right in the camera, I mean you must start with a good picture to begin with.
- My e-Book is written in PlainENGLISH.
- This e-Book is 27 pages only in PDF format.
- My e-Book file size will be 8.7 MB, so it will take times to upload and download.
- If you need more information just Flickr Mail me or eMail me at
My e-Book will be priced at Ringgit Malaysia RM50.00or USD20 only. It will be in PDF format.
- You can pay through Malaysian Maybank, Maybank2u
- Maybank Account : 1 1 4 1 6 0 0 2 3 7 3 4 Mohd Wazari Bin Wazir.
- You can also pay with PAYPAL
- After you have made the payment please alert me with SMS through my Hp No: – +(6) 012 2 8 1 2 7 5 3
- Please also email me with your detail transaction about your payment. My email wazariwazir@yahoo.comor you can Flickr Mail me.
- Since I’m not available all the time online, I will try my very best to send you the files in PDF format within 24 hours of payment.
- If you have any doubt, feel free to ask, here on my Blog…
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Get The SecretHERE
Wazari Wazir
@ Firdaus, terima kasih kerana berminat, eBook masih ada lagi…
en wazir,tone yg en nye blog ckp nice n lawa..still ade x ebook x coz sye nk blja abt tone:)
Wazari Wazir
@Ibraim, Terima kasih kerana berminat, eBook Tone masih ada lagi dan masih hangat di pasaran, terima kasih kerana berminat.
Bro..kalo lahhh contohnya kiter dah ble kira tau amende photoshop ni n cara nak guna tapi xtau cara nak bagi punch kat toning,,kalau beli ebook ni ble gerenti dapat tangkap cara n skill ker??..atau ebook ni juzz bagtau direct jerr cara nak buat tone yg tu yg ni…
Wazari Wazir
@Nony, eBook Photoshop Tone saya ni adalah teknik yang saya gunakan untuk mendapatkan Tone yang biasa saya gunakan pada gambar-gambar saya, insyaAllah akalu kita follow betul2 memang dapat tone yang seperti contoh gambar saya tu tetapi semua tu bergantung pada banyak faktor, pada gambar asal tu sendiri, keadaan lighting pada gambar tu sendiri serta subjek gambar tu sendiri, kesemuanya mempengaruhi tone samada nampak menarik ataupun tidak dan bukan semua gambar sesuai untuk ditonekan…
Hzwan hammad
nk tny ckt..kalu beli ebook ni kn..y photoshop 2 guna adope photoshop pe??kn skrg ni cm byk je jns photoshop..
Wazari Wazir
@Hzwan Saya menggunakan Photoshop CS3 untuk tutorial dalam eBook saya. Kalau kita ada perisian Photoshop Cs2 dan Cs4 atau Cs5, masih lagi boleh digunakan cuma sedikit berbeza dari segi “Interface”.
sia mau booking satu ni tau.. nanti sia transfer.. 🙂
bang…ada lagi tak ebook tone ni..saya berminat la…
Wazari Wazir
@ Aminuddin, masih ada lagi… 🙂
salam,saya sudah buat pembyaran dan sms details pembyran,,sedang menunggu tindak balas email 🙂
untuk pembelian di negara tetangga bagaimana caranya?? {indonesia}
Wazari Wazir
@Zicoblink, Terima kasih kerana berminat sebenarnya eBook saya bukan sahaja untuk pasaran di Malaysia, tetapi di mana sahaja, untuk memudahkan sahabat dari luar Negara memiliknya boleh membuat pembayaran melaui akaun Paypal, ramai rakan-rakan dari luar Malaysia yng membuat pembayaran melaui akaun PAYPAL…
salam bro . .
boleh saya tahu rm50tuh skali ngan harga posting ke?
ke ade cas tambahan ?
Wazari Wazir
Syawal, salam terima kasih kerana berminat, eBook saya bukan Buku Fizikal seperti mana yang ada di kedai buku sebaliknya eBook ialah “Electronic Book” dalam bentuk PDF file. Saya akan emailkan eBook tersebut kepada yang membeli, walaupun tutorialynya dalam Bahasa Inggeris namun mudah untuk difahami berdasarkan Gambar serta contoh yang diberi.
salam..macam mna nk detail transaction after bank in payment?
Wazari Wazir
@Muhdazri, terima kasih kerana berminat dengan eBook saya, saudara boleh memilih untuk maklumkan pada saya mengenai butiran pembayaran tersebut melaui email dengan menyatakan tarikh serta masa transaksi itu dibuat ataupun SMS kan sahaja pada saya butiran transaksi tersebut, sekali lagi terima kasih kerana berminat…
Sy sudah mbuat pmbayaran pd 22.12.2010.Bayran RM60.Butiran sprt dlm email.tq
sy suda trima ebook 2..sdg mbaca..:)..kalu boleh nti wat ebook tutorial basic photografy @ brkaitan mncantikan gambar baby mgunakn photoshop..@ apa2 yg d fikirkn perlu…;)
ajak suda wat pmbayaran utk ebook photoshop texture secret.
Butiran sprt dlm email..tq
Bang nak tanya eBook ni masih ada lagi x?
Wazari Wazir
@EB, waalaikumsalam, eBook Photoshop Tone masih ada lagi seperti biasa, terima kasih kerana berminat…
Ok bang.. Nnti sya inform lau sya ada bt pmbelian dan pmbayaran k..