Camera is Just a Tool
© 2010 Wazari Wazir | A Portrait of My Son
Nikon or Canon? Nikon or Canon? What am I talking here, what my son picture above got to do with Nikon or Canon, nothing actually, nothing really. Actually there is something, without a camera I would not be able to capture this image and share it with you here. It doesn’t really matter whether I use Nikon or Canon, can you tell it by looking at the picture above without going through my flickr page and searching for the EXIF File, you wouldn’t know which camera I use to get this picture.
What am I trying to say here, what am I trying to write here. From time to time I got a lot of email from someone who wanted to buy a DSLR camera which brand to buy, and the most popular DSLR in the marker today is undoubtedly Nikon and Canon. I cannot make a comparison for both of them because I use only one brand of a camera and it wouldn’t be fair for me to make a comparison, instead I will ask back to those who ask me, which one do you like? Then just buy it without thinking too much, which brand to buy.
Camera is just a tool after all, it is a tool to photograph something, it is not a magic box that will automatically take great picture that will win a photography competition, it is just an inanimate object, it can’t take a picture itself, it need someone to trigger it, to push the shutter button in order for the camera to captured a picture, that’s it.
Some people buy a camera because they like the look and feel of the camera, some people buy a camera because they got an inspiration from a great photographer who use a certain brand of a camera, some people buy it because some of the world iconic image was taken by that particular brand of a camera. It doesn’t matter which drive you to choose any brand of a camera, just bought it and forget about it.
You will never make a wrong decision, I’m talking about brand here, I’m not talking about the usefulness of the camera, whether you want to shoot sports, wedding, landscape, underwater, that will be discuss later or in my next article. Here I just want to make it easy for you to choose which brand of a camera to buy. How and what type of photography endeavor that you will be using your camera is another thing, another discussion.
After you bought your camera, don’t just throw away the manual, take some time to read it, don’t throw away the manual and start asking everybody about Aperture, ISO, Shutter Speed, Depth of Field and all the technical things about the camera where those things are clearly written in the manual. Don’t be lazy, just take the time to read it, if you don’t understand, what’s written there, get a dictionary, that’s how I learn photography, I will only ask people when there is no information about it in the manual.
Did you know I spent more than one year to study about photography by buying photography book and magazine before I bought my first SLR, my first camera is Nikon FM2. When I get my hand on the camera , I don’t really need to ask anybody about technical thing of the camera since I’ve done my homework. In the next article I will be talking or written more about photography than a camera, stay tune…
Related Post : How To Choose a DSLR Camera
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agreed. sometimes it’s the hands & eyes that matters
Zala Wajik
very agree, I don’t have any dslr but I know the manual. Most of my friends ask me to set up their camera setting because they know nothing about the camera their holding.
Erie Yohoho
u are absolutely rite in this issue.
i am totally agree with u !
Salam bang, nice to read your thread, and i have learn some info from here.
saya ada beberapa soalan nak tanya, maklumla orang baru dalam dunia fotografi ni.
soalan saya:-
1- Adakah megapixel yang besar merupakan suatu yang penting bagi fotographer in terms senang nak edit, more shaper, sebab skarang entry level of DSLR pun dah cecah 10-15 pexel.
2- megapixel yang tinggi datang bersama ISO yang tinggi, banyak brand di pasaran menawarkan perkara yang sama, dan saya rasa ISO and Megapix yang tinggi lebih advantage didalam situasi low light, tapi kene berhati-hati takut noise yang berlebihan.
harap abang dapat memberi penjelasan kepada saya, terima kasih..
Wazari Wazir
@Ezy, terus kepada menjawab soalan, bagi saya kalau File itu kecil megapixel rendah memang lebih senang nak diedit berbanding dengan Megapixel yang besar kerana file itu juga besar, berat untuk diedit kalau guna komputer yang biasa. Kalau kita ada super computer, then it is not a problem.
Lagi satu tanya pada diri kita, untuk keperluan apa kita perlukan Megapixel yang besar, bagi saya, sekarang ni boleh dikatakan hampir semua Entry Level DSLR bermula dari 10 Megapixel dan ke atas dan sudah lebih dari mencukupi untuk segala macam jenis Photography. Dan lagi satu, berapa kerap kita akan buat Print yang besar, berapa kerap kita akan print gambar sebesar Poster dan kalau kerap pun 10 Megapixel is good enough.
Tentang keupayaan ISO yang tinggi itu pula bergantung pada kita, sememangnya sesuatu yang advantage bila kita miliki ISO yang tingi yang kurang noise tapi tanya pula diri kita, berapa kerap kita akan ambil gambar dalam suasan yang kurang cahaya, selalu sangatkah kita rakam gambar dalam rumah, indoor atau tempat tertutup, dala dewan dan sebagainya. Kalau sepanjang masa kita shoot di dalam studio dan kita penggemar Strobist atau CLS, mak keupayaan menggunakan High ISO bukanlah yang utama. Ianya hanya satu kelebihan…